Thursday, May 21, 2009


The breeze, the breeze, the flowing breeze
My hair, the tresses, wen yu caress these

Thy eyes, those eyes, wen they luk at me
I smile, I smile, I smile with glee

I blush, I smile… I draw closer I hide
Am pink, I blink and I grow rose pink

Yu pull me, yu pull me
Yu hold me tight

My face I know not
But thy face is a delight

Those eyes, teasing eyes
And that crooked smile

That knows who did the trick
And takes pride…

That gaze, that gaze, that piercing gaze
That dwells into me and a story it says

I jump, I sink, I fly, I hide
For your unsaid words… they make me smile

I hide yu seek
And then yu smile

I hide again in your arms
And yu cherish the while

We walk, we walk, and we both hide
For none should read the story that hides in our eyes….


Parul Tongaria said...

Beautiful Song !! I can imagine a melody for this and it could turn into a wonderful song. :)

Swati Matta said...

Thank yu Parul :)